I’ve personally chosen ten powerfulBible verses to help you through hard times. They have uplifted and inspired me during difficult times so I hope they’ll do the same for you. As we navigate through life’s storms, may these verses serve as a source of comfort, reminding us of God’...
Why you should pray for your dog during difficult times As Christians, we turn to prayer when we need wisdom from our Father. Naturally, praying for your dog allows you to seek the Holy Spirit's guidance, as well as: Ask God for a miracle ...
“Difficult Times Will Come” - But understand this, that in the last days dangerous times [of great stress and trouble] will come [difficult days that
’ Over the course of her lifetime the Duchess of Queensberry would break the rules many more times, and not just through her choice of dress; lauded as a great beauty, banished from court by the King, and famous for indulging in eccentric behaviour in her later years, she continued to ...
Many times I have felt so sorrowful for her missing out on this joy. She did get to know and love my granny James. But I am sorrowful no more. While she did get to see her parents become grandparents, it’s hardly the same. But with such little experience she has become the best ...
Psalm 60 Prayer in Difficult Times - For the choir director: according to “The Lily of Testimony.” A Miktam of David for teaching. When he fought
“Father, I come to you seeking the grace that I know I will need for the difficult times in my life that will challenge both my faith and my confidence in You. You are a great God and I seek your grace for the strength, courage, and wisdom that I need to trust you fully with ...
This has been huge for us. We like to sit down on Sunday nights and outline our weeks ahead- being mindful of times when we’ll need to rest and times when we’ll need to snuggle in and spend time together. Life is busy, and I truly believe life will continue to be busy and that...
He’s not the only student I’m teaching. Some days, I’d be switching between 10th grade and 1st grade so many times that I started to feel dizzy (and cranky). I think we picked the wrong curriculum. We started the year using A Beka for each of these subjects, and for the first...
“Difficult Times Will Come” - But realize this, that in the last days difficult times will come. For men will be lovers of self, lovers of money,