May: Forse Might: Potrebbe essere May e might servono anche per chiedere il permesso, però might viene usato di meno. Esempi: Brian may go to lunch with them.(Forse Brian mangerà con loro.) He might call me this week. (Potrebbe chiamarmi questa settimana.) May I have a pen?
Qual è la differenza tra I would rather wait inside. e I would sooner wait inside. ? Qual è la differenza tra work e job ?Newest Questions (HOT) Mostra di più Qual è la differenza tra ogni giorno e tutti i giorni ? Qual è la differenza tra capire e capisce ? Qual è la dif...
In most cases where 'differentiate' is used, you can also use 'distinguish' (e.g differentiate/distinguish between X and Y, differentiate/distinguish X from Y)E.g. You might be asked this question at a job interview: Please explain to us what differentiates/distinguishes you from the other ...
Diffchecker confronta il testo per trovare la differenza tra due file di testo. Basta inserire testo e e clicca su Trovare la differenza!
Kinds, sorts, types and even varieties can all be used interchangeably, (although varieties may be used more in more scientific sorts of contexts, e.g. varieties of tomato) The first three are very common and can be used in singular and plural forms. Vedi una traduzione Utente esperto ...
Is it possible that something was past its use-by date?- Alzheimer and cancer are the worst illnesses possible.- If you feel a sickness after taking the pills. Do not worry. It is normal.- Will you attend the party? - No, sorry. I'm a little sick. I may have caught a cold....
It may also be interpreted to be used as indicating purpose, so using 'for' in this case might be misleading in some way.My own conclusion would be that they are at most times interchangeable because the nuance of these prepositions is negligible and wouldn't affect the overall meaning of ...