i.e. 11 days after peak hatching, a random sample per treatment was transferred to 8 tanks filled with 200 L lake water. Two of the 8 tanks each were stocked with fish that had been either exposed to EE2,P.fluorescens, EE2
Intestinal stem cells at the bottom of crypts fuel the rapid renewal of the different cell types that constitute a multitasking tissue. The intestinal epithelium facilitates selective uptake of nutrients while acting as a barrier for hostile luminal cont
(x) // Higher-order derivatives val `∂²z∕∂x∂y` = d(`∂z∕∂x`) / d(y) // Higher-order partials val `∇z` = z.grad() // Gradient operator val values = arrayOf(x to 0, y to 1) println("z(x, y) \t= $z\n" + "z(${values.map { it.second }....
High-order chromatin structure plays important roles in gene regulation. However, the diversity of the three-dimensional (3D) genome across plant accessions are seldom reported. Here, we perform the pan-3D genome analysis using Hi-C sequencing data from
Contigs considered as statistically significant differentially expressed were those showing an absolute value of Log2FoldChange > 2 i.e., exhibiting a fourfold increased expression under one of the conditions; and a padj < 0.001, p-value adjusted with a false-discovery rate (FDR) ...
Or both the answer and the derivative of a function: Prelude Numeric.AD> diff' (exp . log) 2 (2.0,1.0) You can compute the derivative of a function with a constant parameter using auto: Prelude Numeric.AD> let t = 2.0 :: Double Prelude Numeric.AD> diff (\ x -> auto t * sin...
Moreover, the global transcriptome of different samples with cluster analysis and hierarchical clustering analysis is carried out with log10(FPKM+1) on differentially expressed genes within all comparison groups and plotted as a heat-map (Fig. S4), showing the global gene expression pattern of ...
The intensities of the full probe sets were log2 transformed and subsequently we extracted the probe sets that were present in mKo1 [Hi] populations and whose signal intensity was more than 100 in mKO1 [Hi] populations. Up-regulated probe sets were selected in ALB/mKo1 [Hi] if their [...
Relative expressions were represented as log RQ (base 2) in which RQ (relative quantification) = 2-ddCt. Different duration of LPS stimulation was indicated by white bar (2 hrs), black bar (10 hrs for IFNbeta, 12 hrs for TNFalpha) and gray bar (22 hrs) on the graph. Full size ...
The geometrical meaning of the derivative of y = f(x) is the slope of the tangent to the curve y = f(x) at ( x, f(x)). The first principle of differentiation is to compute the derivative of the function using the limits. Let a function of a curve be y = f(x). Let us ...