Stem-cell differentiation is the process by which a more specialised cell is formed from a stem cell, leading to loss of some of the stem cell's developmental potential. Stem-cell differentiation occurs during development of an organism to produce new specialised cells, and also in adults to ...
Stem cells and differentiationVolume, JournalNotice, Copyright
Rethinking Differentiation: Stem Cells, Regeneration, and Plasticity | Cell 上部分翻译如下: 摘要 细胞分化是所有多细胞生物的发育、生长、繁殖和寿命的重要过程,其调控一直是过去四十年深入研究的焦点。对天然干细胞和诱导干细胞的研究开启了一个重新审视干细胞或分化细胞意味着什么的时代。过去和最近在植物和动物中...
随后的研究表明,着色的背侧上皮细胞必须重新进入细胞周期并去分化,才能发生晶状体再生(Eguchi and Shingai,1971;Reyer,1977;Yamada,1977)。最近,在涡虫身上显示,在没有干细胞的截肢片段中的有丝分裂后组织可以重新编程它们的基因组输出,并表达(Reddien等人,2007年)和抑制(Gurley等人,2010年)模式信号。这种调制是必需...
There are no studies on stem cells (SCs) and development and differentiation (DD) of the human adrenal glands. The SCs in DD of the adrenal glands were herein investigated histochemically and immunohistochemically in 18 human embryonic adrenal glands at gestational week (GW) 7–40. At 7 GW,...
Cyclins, cyclin-dependent kinases and other components of the core cell cycle machinery drive cell division. Growing evidence indicates that this machinery operates in a distinct fashion in some mammalian stem cell types, such as pluripotent embryonic stem cells. In this Review, we discuss our curre...
A-Estradiol of Differentiation of Cultured Hemopoietic Stem Cells Derived from a Mouse Spleen into Osteoclast-like Multinucleated Cells A ited differentiation of the cells into osteoclast-like cells. This suggests a direct response of estrogens to cells of the osteoclast lineage and the ... Naoya,...
For Human Pluripotent Stem Cell Our StemXVivo®Differentiation Kits offer researchers the opportunity to directly differentiate embryonic stem and induced pluripotent stem cells into a variety of intermediate and terminally differentiated cell types, including ectoderm, mesoderm, endoderm, hepatocytes, and ...
The 3D bioprinting of stem cells directly into scaffolds offers great potential for the development of regenerative therapies; in particular for the fabrication of organ and tissue substitutes. For this to be achieved; the lineage fate of bioprinted stem cell must be controllable. Bioprinting can be...
controlling self-renewal and differentiation of stem cells via mechanical cues通过机械控制干细胞的自我更新和分化的暗示 Hindawi Publishing Corporation Journal of Biomedicine and Biotechnology Volume 2012, Article ID 797410, 12 pages doi:10.1155/2012/797410 Review Article Controlling Self-Renewal and ...