This integration describes system boundaries to thoroughly consider production aspects, while the IPCC method provides emission coefficients, calculation formulas, and reference examples (Yang et al., 2023, Zhang et al., 2023). The input–output method, which is a top-down approach, establishes a ...
Robert L. Wilson … show all 1 hide Buy this eBook * Final gross prices may vary according to local VAT. Get Access AbstractIn the last three chapters we have accumulated a rather large number of formulas for both differentiation and integration. It is the purpose of this chapter to ...
Table 1 Formulas for calculating self-complexity OL = (∑i(∑jCij)/Tj)/n*(n−1), where C is the number of common features in two aspects; T is the total number of features in the referent aspect; n is the total number of aspects in the person's sort and i and j vary from ...
Thus, we have argued that with respect to the formulas that have been claimed to have potent anti-aging potentials, the validation of the efficacy would be a great start to the rapid expansion of the use of these drugs and/or a great incentive for promoting the development of the relevant...
We also derive simple formulas for indices of phenotypic and genetic differentiation (PST and QST), and use individual-based simulations to estimate the effect of phenotypic plasticity on population differentiation at neutral (FST) and adaptive (FSTQ) loci. Differentiation indices, either at the ...
The SI value was calculated by the following formulas:Normalized IntensityijANIijA=exonisignal intensity in conditionAgenejsignal intensity in conditionASIXY=Log2NIXYHNIXYN The NI(i, j)A represents the ratio of the i-th exon signal intensity to the j-th gene signal intensity in condition A...
Note that it is not easy to extend the proposed approach for more than two classes of CR traffic and it is one of the limitations of this work; however, the proposed model can be used to find a bound for the performance of aggregated low priority traffic (combination of all low priority...
Oct4 or Brg1 binding gain or reduction was calculated with the following formulas:(% Upregulated Dpf2 bound genes within region of interest) / (%All Dpf2 bound genes within regions of interest) and (% Downregulated Dpf2 bound genes within region of interest)/ (%All Dpf2 bound genes within ...
In all of the following formulas, P (i, j) stands for the (i, j)th entry or value in a normalized GLCM. Hereafter, the formalism most frequently used indexes. of GLCM AisSdMes=cGr−i1bGe−1d{P[3(i9, ,j4)}02] i=0 j=0 by showing nine parameters out (1) of the...
The use of HRAM is essential for the determination of ion formulas to be able to determine structures and fragmentation pathways [13,14]. In this study, we selected five pairs of isomeric pesticides (see Table 1): Pebulate and vernolate, methiocarb and ethiofencarb, uniconazole and ...