Since the country has enhanced its understanding of its ethnic diversity, the Children's and Adolescents' Code provides for the differential recognition of the civil, political, economic and cultural rights of the various ethnic groups populating the nation 哥伦比亚重新审视了对我国族裔多样性的理解,在...
[...] long-term and firm bond with the territory of the State although representing a minority in the territory of the State, and which possesses characteristics such as language, culture, national or ethnic affiliation, origin or religious affiliation, differentiating them from the majority of th...
{:("Combustion","Respiration"),("Fast process","Slow process"),("Takes place at high temperature.","Takes place at body temperature."),("Catalysts are not essential.","Enzymes are essential."),("Energy is released in the from of hear and light.","Energy
the state’s tech industry was ranked17th in the nation. Three years later, itranked sixthin technology and science workforce. In 2021,CNBCplaced it among the top four U.S. states for technology and innovation. Even people in the field may not know there are 18Fortune 500companies...