Biased mating due to female preferences towards certain traits in males is a major mechanism driving sexual selection, and may constitute an important evolutionary force in organisms with sexual reproduction. In birds, although the role of male ornamenta
The resultant clonal sphere cells possess self-renewal capacity and neural multipotentiality, cardinal features of the neural stem cell. However, they also retain some nonneural proper. ties, suggesting that they are the in vivo cells' equivalent of the primitive neural stem cells that form in ...
It has the familiar semantics of mapping a function along array axes, but instead of keeping the loop on the outside, it pushes the loop down into a function’s primitive operations for better performance. Using vmap can save you from having to carry around batch dimensions in your code. ...
Human naïve pluripotent stem cells (hnPSCs) can generate integrated models of blastocysts termed blastoids upon switch to inductive medium. However, the underlying mechanisms remain obscure. Here we report that self-renewing hnPSCs spontaneously and e
Human naïve pluripotent stem cells (hnPSCs) can generate integrated models of blastocysts termed blastoids upon switch to inductive medium. However, the underlying mechanisms remain obscure. Here we report that self-renewing hnPSCs spontaneously and e
To further investigate the nature of CD34−Lin−CD45− cells and to compare them with CD34−Lin−CD45+ cells, we designed in vitro conditions that may allow the simultaneous differentiation of human primitive progenitor cells into both the hematopoietic and endothelial lineages. To this end...
vmapis the vectorizing map. It has the familiar semantics of mapping a function along array axes, but instead of keeping the loop on the outside, it pushes the loop down into a function’s primitive operations for better performance.
However, they also retain some nonneural properties, suggesting that they are the in vivo cells' equivalent of the primitive neural stem cells that form in vitro from embryonic stem cells. The generation of the in vivo primitive neural stem cell was independent of Notch signaling, but the ...
It has the familiar semantics of mapping a function along array axes, but instead of keeping the loop on the outside, it pushes the loop down into a function’s primitive operations for better performance. Using vmap can save you from having to carry around batch dimensions in your code. ...
It has the familiar semantics of mapping a function along array axes, but instead of keeping the loop on the outside, it pushes the loop down into a function’s primitive operations for better performance. Using vmap can save you from having to carry around batch dimensions in your code. ...