A variable is mostly either a local varialbe (only used in a method) or a global variable (that can be used any where in the class). An arguement is a verbal disagreement that you have with someone. ;-) An arguement or parameter is usually used when you are passing a value or val...
To install a CPU-only version, which might be useful for doing local development on a laptop, you can run pip install --upgrade jax jaxlib # CPU-only version If you want to install JAX with both CPU and GPU support, using existing CUDA and CUDNN7 installations on your machine (for exa...
Gillnet surveys were conducted in September 2014 and 2015 at two localities in each lake in benthic habitats and one central locality in each lake for pelagic habitats, using 30 m long standard European multi-mesh g illnets38. At each locality in each lake, one series of three ...
The local Ethics committee authorized analysis of retrospective data collected on clinical patients (ASD cohort) in the clinic. Consent for publication Not applicable. Competing interests The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
To install a CPU-only version, which might be useful for doing local development on a laptop, you can run pip install --upgrade jax jaxlib # CPU-only version If you want to install JAX with both CPU and GPU support, using existing CUDA and CUDNN7 installations on your machine (for ...
A structured literature search was conducted to identify preventive and monitoring safety and hygiene practices crucial for control of microbial and chemical contamination of fresh milk at primary production, trading, collection and local retailing stages of the chain. Preventive control practices were sele...
This study aimed to assess the degree of differentiation of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) using Gd-EOB-DTPA-assisted magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) with T1 relaxometry. Thirty-three solitary HCC lesions were included in this retrospective study. This
The local Ethics committee authorized analysis of retrospective data collected on clinical patients (ASD cohort) in the clinic. Consent for publication Not applicable. Competing interests The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
The TST cut-off was 10 mm according to local guidelines (Fig. 2b). Then, we first analyzed the correlation between QTF and Rv2626c IGRA results. Our results indicated that 34% of the studied people displayed negative results for both tests, and 21% of them exhibited double positive ...
The distribution of K-S statistics, {D}, across percentiles of the sample is used to classify the differentiation between data with low and high expression. Ideally, the data should be separated where {D} achieves a local minimum. To estimate the slope change points in Kolmogorov distances, ...