error code: CANCEL" cause = null stackTrace = {StackTraceElement[69]@16998} depth = 69 suppressedExceptions = {Collections$EmptyList@16996} size = 0 result = {StatusRuntimeException@13049} "io.grpc.StatusRuntimeException: CANCELLED: io.grpc.Context was cancelled without error" status = {...
In Java, references are the names. And objects are stuff. We can provide different names for stuff, even for non-existing stuff. We can give names, without actually giving them any real meaning, for example: GUI g1; You can assign meaning to names with the = operator: GUI g1 = some...
On Android though, I'm not sure what errors are mapped to (probably some subclass of a java Exception ?). I guess it would be somewhat complicated to map iOS NSErrors and Android Exceptions to various error types (no network, timeout etc...) but it might be nice to have a way to...
A lot of things in Java are mutable, it is so because OOP focuses on data as objects, and objects can change attributes over time. If you lit a candle, it would have an attribute height that would diminish as the candle burned. As such, a variable name height would be, you guessed,...
I cannot publish my spring boot jar to our maven repository (which is helpful when creating a package to go on our customer's private network) with the way the plugin operates now. I'm using the Spring Boot 2.1.17.RELEASE plugin due to s...