The AUC for the validation cohort was of 0.79 (95% CI: 0.68 to 0.91). Conclusion The proposed flare risk predictive calculator could be a useful diagnostic tool for differentiation between flares and infections in febrile SLE patients.SaraBeçaIgnasiRodríguez-PintóMarcoA.AlbaRicardCerveraGerard...
Euler's formula is a mathematical formula that relates the exponential function, complex numbers, and trigonometric functions. What is the derivative of Euler's formula? The derivative of Euler's formula is eix where i is the imaginary unit. This means that the derivative of Euler's formula is...
Beca S, Rodriguez-Pinto I, Alba MA, Cervera R, Espinosa G (2015) Development and validation of a risk calculator to differentiate flares from infections in systemic lupus erythematosus patients with fever. Autoimmun Rev 14: 586-593.BE-A S, RODRíGUEZ-PINTó I, ALBA M A, e t a l ....