与它相关的是一些形容词,用来描述我们正在考虑的微分方程的类型。特别地,它是一个一阶方程(first-order equation),因为它只包含因变量的一阶导数,它是一个常微分方程(ordinary differential equation),因为它不包含偏导数。在这本书中,我们只讨论常微分方程。 我们用莱布尼茨符号dP/dt来表示微分方程,这是我们常用的...
Exact differential equation is a type of differential equation there exists a function of two variables with continuous partial derivatives with integrating factor.
Any equation between the independent variable x and the dependent variable y which involves the derivatives of y with respect to x is called an ordinary differential equation. The order of the differential equation is the order of the highest derivative occurring in that equation. In Advanced ...
chapter1 Introductionofdifferentialequations 1-1DifferentialEquationsinSciencesandEngineering 1、微分方程(differentialequations):含有导数(derivatives)或者微分(differential)的方程。注:a、微分方程(differentialequations)与代数方程(algebraicequation区别:derivativesordifferentialb、微分方程中未知函数的导数或微分必不可...
change, and the differential equation helps us present a relationship between the changing quantity with respect to the change in another quantity. y=f(x) be a function where y is a dependent variable, f is an unknown function, x is an independent variable. Here are a few differential ...
An ordinary differential equation is an equation that states a relationship between an independent variable, a dependent variable, and one or more of the derivatives. If the equation contains the first derivative only, it is called a differential equation of the first order. The order of the ...
Differential Equation Definition Adifferential equationis an equation which contains one or more terms and the derivatives of one variable (i.e., dependent variable) with respect to the other variable (i.e., independent variable) dy/dx = f(x) ...
An ordinary differential equation (ODE) is a differential equation in which the unknown function (also known as the dependent variable) is a function of a single independent variable. In the simplest form, the unknown function is a real or complex valued function, but more generally, it may ...
As the name suggests, these equations involve the derivatives of dependent variables (e.g. viral load, species densities, genotypic frequencies) with respect to independent variables (e.g. time, space). When the independent variable is scalar, the differential equation is called ordinary. Far ...
: an equation of the first degree only in respect to the dependent variable or variables and their derivatives The Ultimate Dictionary Awaits Expand your vocabulary and dive deeper into language with Merriam-Webster Unabridged. Expanded definitions Detailed etymologies Advanced search tools All ad-...