Villous tumorGiant mass with soap bubble appearancePremalignant; rare in stomach BezoarGiant masslike filling defect; freely movableUnusual eating habits; gastroparesis or gastric outlet obstruction MALIGNANT MUCOSAL LESIONS CarcinomaPolypoid mass; ulceration commonUsually advanced gastric cancer but may occasi...
中医疾病鉴别诊断学(Differential diagnosis of Chinese Medicine)A traditional Chinese medicine, fullness of differential diagnosis: 1. with stomach fullness: both disease with stomach, and often appear simultaneously. However, stomach pain mainly in order to Weipi fullness discomfort for patients, ...
DDxHub - Differential diagnosis Hub is the System distinguishing of a particular disease or health condition from others that present similar symptoms and lab test results.
Pneumobilia: Hepatic Gas Applied Pediatric Foreign Body Ingestion Acute Urinary Retention Hypotension Pediatric Emergencies Portal Venous Gas Abdominal Pain Ectopic Pregnancy Volvulus Alcoholic Hepatitis Elevated Hemidiaphragm Nausea and Vomiting Small Bowel Obstruction ...
中医疾病鉴别诊断学(Differential diagnosis of diseases of traditional Chinese Medicine) 中医疾病鉴别诊断学(Differential diagnosis of diseases of traditional Chinese Medicine) A traditional Chinese medicine, fullness of differential diagnosis: 1. with stomach fullness: both disease with stomach, and often ...
Functional dyspepsia is a diagnosis of exclusion made in patients with chronic persistent epigastric pain in whom a thorough evaluation shows no organic disease. Patients may primarily have epigastric pain, which is referred to as ulcerlike dyspepsia, or they may have symptoms of postprandial bloating...
Ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, if attended with typical symptoms of pain, vomiting and hemorrhage of ascertainable degree and accuracy of occurrence, is a very definite and easy diagnosis. An outspoken attack of severe biliary colic, so characteristic of gallstones, is not to be confused ...
Diagnosis: lead level, wrist drop Management: chelation (BAL, EDTA, DMSA) for level >50ug/dL or asymptomatic >70ug/dL Lithium Source: iatrogenic, drug-drug interaction Symptoms GI: nausea/vomiting, diarrhea CNS: tremor, coma CV: TWI, QT-prolongation ...
Vomiting is the forceful expulsion of stomach contents through the mouth. Regurgitation refers to the nonforceful expulsion of stomach or esophageal contents from the mouth. The differential diagnosis of vomiting and regurgitation varies by age of the child. Newborn (Birth to Several Weeks) Normal ...
Stomach Disorders Differential Diagnosis Gastritis Acute Gastritis Dietary indiscretion Dietary intolerance or allergy Foreign body Drugs and toxins (nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs [NSAIDs], corticosteroids, antibiotics, plants, cleaners, bleach, heavy metals) Systemic disease (uremia, hepatic disease, hy...