Watch “Chest Pain: It’s Giving Me Angina” from EM Ed. In this lecture Dr. Celedon reviews the critical differential diagnosis for chest pain and how to safely and effectively work up patient’s with this challenging chief complaint. References Brown, J. (2013). Chest Pain. In Rosen’...
Diagnosis: platelet >1,000,000 Symptoms: vasomotor (HA, lightheadedness, syncope, chest pain, paresthesias) Management: low-dose aspirinAnemia posted in Hematology/Oncology on May 22, 2015 by Editor HPI 70M with a history of dementia presenting with 3 days of fatigue. The patient was un...
DIFFERENTIAL diagnosisVIRAL gastroenteritisCOOMBS' testBLOOD cell countInitial clinical presentation of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) is varied as it affects various organs in the body. While the typical presentation of SLE is mucocutaneous, musculoskeletal and haematological manifestation, ...
This resident's case problem describes the diagnosis and treatment of a 22-year-old patient who presented with calf pain secondary to a soft tissue mass. The paper stresses the importance of physical therapists' awareness of differential diagnoses of presentations of unusual muscular masses prior to...
diagnosis of facial pain. Authors and Affiliations Department of Neurosurgery, University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL, USA Rabia Tari & Konstantin V. Slavin Corresponding author Correspondence toKonstantin V. Slavin. Editor information Editors and Affiliations...
Pneumomediastinum Hepatobiliary Ultrasound Ultrasound in Ectopic Pregnancy Pneumobilia: Hepatic Gas Applied Pediatric Foreign Body Ingestion Acute Urinary Retention Hypotension Pediatric Emergencies Portal Venous Gas Abdominal Pain Ectopic Pregnancy Volvulus
Differential Diagnosis of Hepatic Abscess:1 References: Krige J, Beckingham IJ. Liver abscesses and hydatid disease.BMJ. 2001;322(7285):537–540. Alcoholic Hepatitis Renal Failure in Cirrhosis Hyperbilirubinemia CC: Yellow eyes HPI: 51yo AA male with hx DM, HTN, sarcoidosis presents with yellowi...
of right-sided consolidation with history of productive cough, evidence of leukocytosis with neutrophil predominance, and relative hypoxemia suggestive of community-acquired pneumonia. No evidence of systemic inflammatory response. PE unlikely, patient is not bed-bound and alternative diagnosis more likely....
BRUE Pediatric Status Asthmaticus Febrile Seizure Neonatal Congenital Heart Disease ECG Guide: Pediatrics Pediatric Foreign Body Ingestion Principles of Neonatal Resuscitation Kawasaki Disease Pediatric Head Trauma Pediatric Emergencies Rapid Pediatric Assessment ...
This case applies thedifferential diagnosis of lymphadenopathy. The most abnormal finding on examination was non-tender, left supraclavicular lymphadenopathy. The duration of symptoms and lack of tenderness is concerning for malignancy, and the left supraclavicular location suggests a thoracic or intra-abdo...