The absolute value of the on/off ratio need not be that high—it has been suggested that a factor of 10 or more is sufficient (Scott and Bozano, 2007), so long as the distributions of the on/off values over a large number of memory cells is narrow. Resistive RAM (RRAM or ReRAM) ...
The cross sections for exclusive muon-pair production in nucleus-nucleus collisions are calculated and several differential distributions are shown. Realistic (Fourier transform of charge density) charge form factors of nuclei are used and the corresponding results are compared with the cross sections ...
The effects of pertinent parameters on the velocity and temperature fields and the shear stress distributions are shown graphically and analyzed in detail. View chapterExplore book On the meshfree particle methods for fluid-structure interaction problems Farrukh Mazhar, ... Kamran Asim, in Engineering...
The simulated signal distributions are based on the NNLO- reweighted powheg sample. No other corrections are applied. Error bars are statistical only characteristics similar to those in the analysis data sample. This sample is used to estimate the probability for a jet to pass the requirements of...
In the fit, each distribution is split in two by separating events depending on the charge of the selected muon or electron in the event. This results in eight distributions per lepton channel and thus 16 distributions in the μ/e combined fit. A coarser equidistant binning of the ...
GABAA/glycine-mediated neuronal inhibition critically depends on intracellular chloride (Cl−) concentration which is mainly regulated by the K+-Cl− co-transporter 2 (KCC2) in the adult central nervous system (CNS). KCC2 heterogeneity thus affects i
Percent distributions were calculated from raw intensity data with peaks separated by fraction intensity peak valleys of the full-length form. C) Dynamic light scattering measurements of purified adiponectin oligomers yield estimated Stokes radii and molecular weights. Murine IgGs, albumin, and linear ...
accurately model the associated geometric parameters and charge distributions for the ligand. As a first step in this overall validation process, here we evaluate both types of electronic structure calculations, density functional theory (DFT) and wave function theory (WFT), together with a series of...
The density of gene expression levels and peak densities was then plotted. (B) Simulated ATAC-seq peak density distributions. Simulated files of read counts under ATAC-seq peaks were generated as described in Methods such that they would have the desired read density under peaks. The density ...
(n = 730; left) and optogenetically identified D1 (n = 94; blue) and D2 (n = 102; red) neurons (right).jDistributions of the different neuron types plotted as a function of the proportion of inter-spike intervals>2 s (PROPisi >2). Colors correspond to those ingan...