We offer worldwide map services based on OpenStreetMap data. You can use our services as a WMS for desktop GIS like QGIS, ArcGIS/ArcMap or MapInfo, or as a tile service for web applications. All common coordinate systems High-performance maps with continuous updates Individual layers, ...
edited Contributor Coordinate data must be provided in x/y/z (lon/lat/height) order. Thanks@GatorScott so explicitly that's not EPSG:4326 This issue captures community interest in having native support for other projections. As I have a web service that doesn't support CRS:84 (it's not ...
Building and maintaining multiple map projections at a full range of scales can be a heavy lift, involving gigabytes of data. Fortunately, unless you have a specialized requirement, most of the practical need for other projections is at small scale. Larger than about 1:1,000,000 the projection...
The Mercator and Peters projections are just two of many kinds of world maps that may hang in school classrooms. Many public schools in China, for example, use a map that shows East Asia near the center. Kaiser said it is human nature to view one's own place near the center of the w...
Gröchenig, K., Kaniuth, E., Taylor, K.F.: Compact open sets in duals and projections in L^1-algebras of certain semi-direct product groups. Math. Proc. Camb. Philos. Soc. 111(3), 545–556 (1992) Google Scholar Hilgert, J., Neeb, K.-H.: Structure and Geometry of Lie Grou...
the impacts of global warming of 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels and related global greenhouse gas emission pathways, in the context of strengthening the global response to the threat of climate change, sustainable development, and efforts to eradicate poverty (World Meteorological Organization, ...
Map Types:Today, there are more types of maps than ever before. Maps not only tell the basic information about where things are located, but they can also give insights to information about the people who live in an area. Two types of maps that may seem similar at first are the ...
SPECT projections were acquired using 60 projections over 360° and a frame-time duration of 25 s. CT images were acquired in low-dose technique using an X-ray tube voltage of 120 keV and a tube current of 10 mA. The matrix and the pixel size were 256 × 256 and 2.33 × 2.33 mm2,...
Projections of ENMs in the 2050s predicted the overall decrease of suitable habitats for both G. japonicus and G. swinhonis (8% decrease and 19% decrease, respectively; Table 1; Appendix 1). Focusing on South Korea, the future range for G. japonicus showed a minor decrease (4% decrease...
Quantized Random Projections and Non-Linear Estimation of Cosine Similarity Ping Li, ; Michael Mitzenmacher, Harvard University; Martin Slawski*, The non-convex Burer-Monteiro approach works on smooth semidefinite programs Nicolas Boumal, ; Vlad Voroninski*, MIT; Afonso Bandeira, Dimensionality Reduction...