The cast of the groundbreaking show “A Different World” reunited 35 years later and sat down with TODAY to look back on the show's legacy and profound influence on viewers — and on college enrollment. "We represented all these different facets of young Black life that we had never seen...
This pattern fits with empirically-based models of the etiology of anxiety that emphasize the father’s role in opening children to the world and promoting their independence [42]. Notably, no other variables in the current study explained a significant amount of variance in internalizing problems,...
By using concepts, the material world can be made meaningful, and objects are created. Objects only make sense in terms of the concepts that are applied to them. To be able to speak within a discourse, agents have to take up a particular subject position. For example, to speak in a ...
See full article at Nerdly 4/1/2010 by Phil Nerdly Alt.TV – 29/3/10 Are you bored of the same old TV shows? Tired of the mainstream? Then check out this round-up of alternative movies and series showing on UK television tonight… ...
When you think of “video,” you probably think of a live-action video. Live action encompasses any video that’s composed of real-world footage, typically including real, live people. It’s one of the most common video styles due partly to its sheer accessibility. Live-action videos can ...
LESSON IS LOVE PODCAST S1E8: Feeling Into the Possibility of a Different World | Shireen Amini Welcome to this episode of The Lesson is Love Podcast!Click herefor all episodes and podcast information on the Grisha Stewart Academy. “I feel like when we gather to sing–when I call it like...
With Kiernan Shipka in the lead role, this show takes a far darker approach as a supernatural horror drama, where Sabrina feels torn between the human world and magic world while fighting off evil forces that threaten her friends and family. It keeps a similar tone to its companion show ...
“Alicia is so beautiful that that would have affected her experience of the world,” Herskovitz said. “People would have been telling her she was beautiful since she was 6 years old. You can’t put that face in what’s been written for this girl.” Danes, meanwhile, was “sexy and...
We used data from simultaneous fNIRS hyperscanning in mothers (n = 33) and fathers (n = 29) and their children (3–4 years) to determine different patterns and strengths of neural synchronization in the frontal cortex during co-viewing of videos or free-play. Mothers showed greater synchrony...
World Health Organization RFL: Reasons for Living Inventory SPIRIT: Standard Protocol Items: Recommendations for Interventional Trials SPSI-R: Revised Social Problem-Solving Inventory SSI: Suicidal Ideation Scale MDD: Major depressive disorder ICTs: Information and Communication Technologies PST: ...