Searches inAmericanandBritishcorpora show some of the many ways these expressions are used. The voluminousMerriam-Webster Dictionary of English Usage(MWDEU) offers ahistorical surveyof both usage and commentary, and concludes that all three “have been in standard usage since the 16th and 17th cent...
Whether we realize it or not, neurodivergent people are REALLY common in fiction, as noted above. Virtually every character on the wildly successful seriesThe Big Bang Theoryis neurodivergent, albeit in different ways and to different degrees. Obviously neurodivergent characters will pop up more commo...
In many ways he was the spiritual ancestor of Bruce Grobbelaar, brilliant but erratic, with the capacity to make you wonder if was actually watching the game. And like that other famously flamboyant Welsh goalie, Neville Southall, he was proof that you didn't have to be miserable to be a...