Xu Yuanzhong manipulation of metaphor, like as as if were pepper, ontology is a woman, as much subject to pray and praise women like Peppers themselves. After translation of the same poem, different changes in the theme. It is actually difficult to determine. Because peppers talk, poetry is...
The heavens reward thee manifold, I pray. Then while we live, in love let’s so persevere, That when we live no more, we may live ever. In the twelve short lines of the poem, she uses the word “love” six times. She states that her relationship with her husband is more valuable...
Leader manipulates this argument into an analysis of what it is that great art stops us seeing - which, in Freudian terms, is always the great unseen of the genitals. Putting words into the infant Leonardo's mouth, Freud recalls a time when he fondly believed his mother to have a penis ...