While this study contributed to the literature in unique ways as highlighted above, it also holds some limitations. The study did not present enough variability in age and gender to determine the effect of demographics on the relationship between white noise levels and cognitive performance. Also, ...
By doing so and using a multidisciplinary approach we aim to contribute to the field in the following ways. Firstly, we seek to synthesize the field of leadership succession to identify important research questions that are ripe for study in the near future in the business and political science...
One more specific concern was that a so-called wage–price spiral would emerge, as may have been the case for a time in the 1970s. In a tight labor market, expectations of continued high inflation can lead workers trying to maintain their living standards to demand higher raises. In a co...
It imposes disutility on transit riders in several ways, e.g.: feeling of invasion of privacy due to physical proximity of fellow travelers; less personal space; limited access to certain amenities of the vehicle such as preferred seats, fresh air, handle bars or quick access to doors; ...
and it gets you into a ton of debt. I feel as if, in the current economic climate, unless you are doing a certain STEM degree (engineering or medicine), it is irresponsible to induce so much debt, so early in your life when you have not yet decided what you really...
Hence, it is important to show the surging new ways of joint value creation to convince firms in participating in the ecosystem design [11]. Until now, MaaS ecosystems are created and discussed mainly for their environmen- tal and social benefits (see e.g. [1, 2, 12–16]). While eco...
as going beyond physical and human capital (1988: S100): “Just as physical capital is created by changes in materials to form tools that facilitate production, human capital is created by changes in persons that bring about skills and capabilities that make them able to act in new ways. Soc...
After the addition of salts to induce the G-quadruplex formation (KCl (c = 195 mM), NaCl (c = 490 mM), MgCl2 (c = 30 mM) and CaCl2 (c = 2 mM)) the samples have been incubated for 15 min at room temperature and measured afterwards. TCSPC measurements have been performed on a ...
[42] evaluated the nesting behavior of hens in enriched cages of different sizes, in videos recorded between 6:00 and 11:00 a.m. two days a week, for 20 weeks. These works are examples of the limitation of sample sizes, and yet, they are extremely labor intensive for the observers ...
Further in this classification, within the industrial sector in Spain, one of the most important is the agri-food sector and the manufacture of food products since they are not only large emitters of GHGs but also induce more emissions in other sectors [11]. The efficient use of their ...