I have checked the data adapter is connected to the same db as SSMS, but when I run the same stored procedure from SSMS and jasper studio query dialog, the result is very different, many columns is not shown in jasper studio query dialog data preview tab
Friends, I have created stored procedure to select records from database with 3 tables join condition and also select query is constructing based on the input parameters. So, How to execute that SP through entity framework with 3 different class types.Thanks......
Assigned to:CPU Architecture:Any Tags:cte,MySQL,query,stored procedure [18 Sep 10:28] Zafar Malik Description:When we are executing some CTE sql statement via stored procedure then first time it is giving different results and 2nd time onwards it is producing different results. Note: When we ...
Because the Connection currently points to the database containing the stored procedure and the table does not exist in that database, "Invalid Object Name" errors are returned. Cause A supported fix is now available from Microsoft, but it is onl...
Because the Connection currently points to the database containing the stored procedure and the table does not exist in that database, "Invalid Object Name" errors are returned. Cause A supported fix is now available from Microsoft, but it is only...
supportsStoredProcedures 方法 (SQLServerDatabaseMetaData) supportsStoredFunctionsUsingCallSyntax 方法 (SQLServerDatabaseMetaData) supportsSubqueriesInComparisons 方法 (SQLServerDatabaseMetaData) supportsSubqueriesInExists 方法(SQLServerDatabaseMetaData) supportsSubqueriesInIns 方法 (SQLServerData...
name '@begindate' has already been declared. Variable names must be unique within a query batch or stored procedure. Msg 134, Level 15, State 1, Line 590 The variable name '@begindate' has already been declared. Variable names must be unique within a query batch or stored procedure. ...
I have created a DLL & would like to call this DLL from SQL Server using the sp_OACreate, sp_Method... Our DBA has created a seperate user & given us an execute permission to the below stored procedures sp_OACreate, sp_OADestroy, sp_OAGetProperty, sp_OAMethod,sp_OASetProperty,sp_OA...
PROCEDURE t1.t1sp() CALL t2.t2sp(); CREATE PROCEDURE t2.t2sp() INSERT INTO d VALUES (1), (1); USE t1; SELECT SCHEMA(); CALL t1sp(); SELECT SCHEMA();Suggested fix:Ensure the default database is never silently changed during course of execution (and failure) of stored procedures....
Hello SCN, In the older version i.e. BI 7.0, we experience Memory overflows while deleting the master data. Because system checks for all the dependencies of the data