What are the different types of Wicca? Wicca: Wicca is a pagan religion based on both ancient pagan religions and modern occultism. It is primarily based on nature worship, and its members regard themselves as "witches." Wicca rose to prominence in the 1950s with the publication of British...
Check out our blog for full details and information on the different types of meditation altars and what they embody. With so many different types of material and colors available it can be hard to choose which is best for your needs. We’ve had a look at different trends and types of m...
What is the main religion of Burundi? How many religions exist in the world? What religion did the Yupik tribe follow? What religions fast? What is the religion Wicca? What are the branches of Protestantism? How many Pagan religions are there?
Official community of modern Pagans, Wiccans, Free souls... Join NOW for free and make friends Wicca, Pagan, Wiccan, Pagans & more...
Official community of modern Pagans, Wiccans, Free souls... Join NOW for free and make friends Wicca, Pagan, Wiccan, Pagans & more...
What are the different types of Wicca? What is Hoodoo? What does a chicken foot mean in Voodoo? What do chicken bones mean in Voodoo? What is maleficium and theological witchcraft? What style did Cimabue used? What are the different types of embroidery?