All of the cells are in the very early stages of embryonic development and have not begun to differentiate into specialized types of cells. What type of cells would these be? What is the name given to the cells that are capable of developing into most, but not all,...
The performance of organic solar cells (OSCs) has increased substantially over the past 10 years, owing to the development of various high-performance organic electron–acceptor and electron–donor materials, including polymers, small molecules and fulle
Moreover, sucrose transport proteins (STPs) are proton-coupled symporters responsible for uptake of glucose from the apoplast into plant cells [40]. Two transcripts (F01_transcript_105532_and F01_transcript_115148) that encode STP were considerably downregulated in UG3Y and UG11Y and significantly...
Cation transport in different volume populations of genetically low K1 lamb red cells. J Cell Physiol. 1980;104(3):283-293.Lauf, P.K., Valet, G. 1980. Cation transport in different volume population of genetically low K + lamb red cells. J. Cell. Physiol. 104 :283–293...
To investigate the effect on visual function of dual expression of genes with different wavelength sensitivities, we transduced a modified Volvox-derived channelrhodopsin gene (mVChR1) via an adeno-associated virus vector into transgenic rats harbouring the ChR2 gene in retinal ganglion cells. These ...
Answer to: What are the three different types of passive transport that enable materials to cross the cell membrane? Give an example of each type...
Sucrosetransportandphloemunloadinginpeachfruit: potentialroleoftwotransporterslocalizedindifferentcell types LauraZanon,RacheleFalchi * ,SimonettaSantiandGianninaVizzotto DipartimentodiScienzeAgrarieeAmbientali,UniversityofUdine,33100Udine,Italy Correspondence *Correspondingauthor, Received...
with the concentration of non-viable bacteria at 0.65–3.3 μm in groups 2 and 4 (p < 0.05 or p < 0.01), indicating that the difference in the size distribution of samples collected under different air masses was caused by the different PM sources and transport trajectories....
we demonstrate the use of the biotin ligase assay for a quantitative comparison of protein transport to the cytosol via cell-penetrating peptides, supercharged proteins and bacterial toxins in four different cell lines. The data illustrate large differences in both the total cellular internalization, ...
The transport efficiency may be dramatically affected by the drugs which stabilize (e.g. taxanes) or destabilize (e.g. vinca alkaloids) MT structure3. Besides the role of MTs in material delivery, their dynamics enables the cells to quickly remodel their cytoskeleton in response to environmental...