(2008c). Unifying different theories of learning: Theoretical framework and em- pirical evidence. Educational Psychology, 28(3), 325-340.Phan, H. P. (2008). Unifying different theories of learning: Theoretical framework and empirical evidence. Educational Psychology, 28, 325-340. doi: 10.1080/...
As motivation involves several components, studies on context personalization and motivation often use different approaches depending on (the clarity of) the theoretical framework used. Most studies focused on examining the effects on two types of interest: situational interest and individual interest (...
Mirror Learning: A Unifying Framework of Policy Optimisation Modern deep reinforcement learning (RL) algorithms are motivated by either the general policy improvement (GPI) or trust-region learning (TRL) frameworks. However, algorithms that strictly respect these theoretical frameworks have proven... JG...
Theoretical research is a logical exploration of a system of beliefs and assumptions. The researchers theorize how a particular system and its environment act under certain conditions and then study the implications of how it is defined. In general, theoretical research follows an argumentative pattern...
Types of topological defects in schlieren textures on a thin planar cell of NLCs. (a) A schlieren texture found under POM with crossed polarisers, showing four types of defects characterized bym = ±1/2 and ±1. (Bar: 10 μm) (b) Schematics of typical defects when the direct...
Proportions of different habitat types are critical to the fate of a resistance allele We describe a simple deterministic theoretical framework for analysing the gene frequency evolution of two alternative alleles at a single genetic locus in... N Alphey,PG Coleman,MB Bonsall,... - 《Theoretical...
(2012) propose a theoretical framework arguing about who is more likely to be an interim CEO and under which conditions. They argue interim CEOs who perform well in the transition period enjoy longer interim tenure and are more likely to get promoted to CEO. Using an interim CEO hurts firm ...
We then formulate a statistical framework to evaluate different margin-setting methodologies, all of which strike a balance between prudentiality and opportunity cost. Three margin-setting methodologies, namely, (1) using simple moving averages; (2) using exponentially weighted moving averages; (3) ...
The Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB) (Ajzen, 1991) is a commonly used theoretical framework which posits that the behavioural intention to enact a specific behaviour is determined by three interrelated factors (see Fig. 2): attitudes (i.e., either positively or negatively valanced behavioural ...
1; Pairwise comparisons between ecosystems section of Supplementary Note 1). Based on those comparisons, the structure of freshwater stream food webs seems to be the most different when compared to all other ecosystem types. Fig. 2 Principal coordinate analysis of the dissimilarity matrix \(\hat ...