This repository is a combination of different resources lying scattered all over the internet. The reason for making such an repository is to combine all the valuable resources in a sequential manner, so that it helps every beginners who are in a search of free and structured learning resource ...
Studies have shown that different types of cells are present within the tumor microenvironment. These include the antitumor CTLs and TH1 cells and the pro-tumor type 2 helper T (TH2) and regulatory T (Treg) cells. CTLs and TH1 cells are more sensitive to tumor-mediated AICD (activation in...
The negative relationships between hobby activities as well as resident interaction and loneliness were more profound in migrants than natives. Conclusions Only two types of social participation could help alleviate loneliness. More attention to older migrants’ loneliness and extending the scale and types...
Environmental changes introduced by different land-use types resulted in assemblages differentiated in species and trait composition, taxonomically and functionally impoverished with respect to seminatural grasslands. All land-use types drove species replacement and trait loss and replacement of grassland ...
of the structure, the example of different types of antibody mimetics known as fynomer has also been proposed for the first time. This led to the combination of the chosen epitopes around the fynomer scaffold. Fynomers are small globular binding proteins with a molecular weight of 7 kDa, ...
See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: Cost-effectiveness of different possum control methods ArticleinScience for Conservation · January 1993 Source: OAI CITATIONS 9 2 authors, including: Ross Cullen Lincoln University New...
Post hoc pairwise comparisons of ANOSIM statistics were performed using the Holm-Bonferroni multiple comparisons method included in the R package stats (version 3.0.1; R-project). Results and Discussion To identify potential differences between populations of bacterial spores in both BT raw milk and...
In particular, we extend the performance comparison in two directions: i) by considering β- and M-values data representations of the DNA methyla- tion levels; ii) by explicitly considering and simulating the three different types of missing data mechanisms, a characterization still missing in ...
Pooled estimates of cumulative layer mortality at 60 weeks (95% CI) using the five most recent data sources for each commercially managed indoor housing system (conventional cages, furnished cages, single-tier aviaries, multi-tier aviaries and all types of aviaries). Years of data collection ...
It is noteworthy that all the three cases with SHANK3 deletion and frameshift mutations showed some degree of speech or developmental delay in association with autistic traits: it is plausible that overall level of functional SHANK3 protein is lower than in those cases with different types of ...