N-type semiconductor is joined to the metal (gold, silver) such that high energy level electrons exist in the diode these are termed ashot carriersso this diode is also called ashot carrier diode.It doesn’t have minority carriers and no depletion region exist rather a metal semi-conductor ...
SMT components include resistors, capacitors, integrated circuits (ICs), diodes, and other semiconductor devices. The process involves soldering the components to the PCB’s surface using reflow soldering, where solder paste is applied to the board, and then the components are placed on the paste....
A performance analysis of single-pole single-throw (SPST) compound microwave switches designed with bulk-type p-i-n diodes of different kinds of semiconductor materials for the Ku and Ka frequency band is presented. The two most common compound switch configurations are p-i n diodes mounted in...
Semiconductor-based detectors, like other types of light detectors, absorb photons emitted by light and transform them into electrical currents. The capability of the detectors can be determined through how effectively the device captures and recognizes its intended light [7]. Responsivity (R) is one...
Quantum dots, small semiconductor particles, emit light once exposed to an external light source resulting in QLED technology. QLED televisions harness the advantages of LED backlighting alongside quantum dots to produce improved luminosity and Colour display. In comparison to OLED,QLED TVsare typically...
The armature voltage is controlled by using thedifferent types of AC to DC semiconductor converters such as half waveconverter, semi converter and full wave converter by using thyristor-diodes.This paper shows the experimental comparative analysis of the DC motor speedcontrol by using the different ...
Comparison of Different GaN Etching Techniques
Because of the possibility of producing high quality nanocrystals (NCs) with size tunable band gap, colloidal semiconductor NCs have shown a great potential for applications in single photon sources1,2, biomedical labelling3,4, light-emitting diodes (LEDs)5,6,7 and lasers8. The as-prepared NCs...
In the past, holographic displays based on partially coherent light sources, such as the light emitting diodes (LEDs), has been reported20,21,22. The low temporal coherence of LEDs could reduce the speckle, but the low spatial coherence of LEDs requires additional spatial filter such as pinhol...
Why are multi-mode semiconductor lasers rectangular? What is a tunable laser spectroscopy? How has the excimer laser developed over the years? What are the characteristics of laser diodes? How do infrared laser sights work? How can a fiber laser wavelength be tuned? A laser emits 1 \times 10...