However, as A Different Man piles layer upon layer of confounding complication, it remains emotionally true to itself, which is to say, both to Edward's increasingly paranoid self-reflection, and to Schimberg's scrutiny of his own work (both this film, as well as Chained For Life). The...
Freshwater and soil habitats hold rich microbial communities. Here we address commonalities and differences between both habitat types. While freshwater and soil habitats differ considerably in habitat characteristics organismic exchange may be high and microbial communities may even be inoculated by organisms...
This study aims at understanding the role of microbial communities inhabiting the cecum on the FE and the growth of rabbits raised in collective cages under different feeding regimes. The use of sparse partial least squares regression (sPLSR) and mixed models in cross-validation schema will allow ...
All piles in the socks were the same size however, when these piles compress it causes an increase in the contact angle between the probe/foot and the sock. Increasing the contact angle between the probe/foot at this interface will increase the amount of resistance it takes to slide along ...
In the case of a terrorist attack by a “dirty bomb”, blast injuries, external irradiation and the incorporation of radioactivity are to be expected. Departing from information about the radiological attack scenario with cesium-137 in the U.S. National