Since the discovery of active MVs across the slope of the Canadian Beaufort Sea, the biogeochemical signatures of archaeal communities involved in AOM have shown spatially discriminative distributions among three MVs (MV282, MV420, and MV740), at water depths of 282 m, 420 m and 740 m...
Pandas, H.M.; Fazli, M. Preparation and application of La2O3 and CuO nano particles as catalysts for ammonium perchlorate thermal decomposition. Propell. Explos. Pyrot. 2018, 43, 1096–1104. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] Dolgachev, V.; Khaneft, A.; Mitrofanov, A. Ignition of organic ...
We then calculated the percentage of each vegetation cover class within each pixel-based polygon using both ArcGIS Pro and the geopandas package in Python (v. 0.14.4) [34]. We next compared how the percent cover of these vegetation types varied across the three sites. Given the non-normal...
The first variable (street design) was generated in Python, using the geopandas and pandas libraries, where the Red Vial vector layer [46] was used. It was cut to the surrounding area of each station to generate points or nodes of the intersections of each street and finally, count and ...
Equation (2) represents the average number of interactions in week i, summing up the interactions on each day j, divided by the seven days on the week (to calculate the average, we used the .mean() method contained in Pandas library [52] (
Also, the pandas library [25] was used to read the measurement data from text files. The pseudocode to perform the task is given in Algorithm 1. Proprietary software rokubun_core version 75.3.1 (developed at the Rokubun company Barcelona, Spain) was used for the GNSS/IMU combined solution...