This research aimed to determine microbiological and chemical quality of different types of salted pearl mullet (Chalcalburnus tarichi Pallas, 1811). Samples of salted pearl mullet (C. tarichi Pallas, 1811), produced by six different methods, were obtained from three different local producers at ...
Big hair & mullets Spandex, leg warmers Neons and pastels Fingerless gloves, shoulder pads, scrunchies, wayfarer sunglasses & plastic jewellery Acid wash jeans & power suits This is a themed type of fashion style which will inspire fun details and add flair to your unique style blend ...
Influence of different salinity on haematological and biochemical parameters of the widely cultured mullet, Mugil cephalus. Marine and Freshwater Behaviour and Physiology, 46: 211-218.Fazio F., Marafioti S., Arfuso F., Piccione G., Faggio C., 2013 Influence of different salinity on ...
People rarely use just one type of source, but rather refer to different sources and informants. The source used depends on the type of information sought as well as other person-related factors such as preexisting knowledge and the disease stage. To improve people’s information searching and ...
Assessment of Safety, Nutritional, and Spoilage Characteristics of Different Lagoon Grey Mullets (Liza ramada, Liza aurata, and Liza saliens)doi:10.4315/0362-028X-71.12.2572Sylvain KamdemPamela VernocchiMirko MaffeiRosalba Lanciotti
This study evaluated the hematological parameters of mullet submitted to therapeutic baths with formalin and freshwater. For the experiment a total of 108 mullets were used, divided in groups of six individuals per tank. In this experiment, immersion baths were tested fo...
Mullets (Mugilidae) present great potential due to their eurythermal, euryhaline, and low-trophic nature. However, there are many similar mullet species, and their physiological differences and optimal culture conditions are quite unknown, mainly when reared under intensive systems. In this sense, ...
Journal of the World Aquaculture SocietyTamaru, C.S., Lee, C.-S., Kelley, C.D., Miyamoto, G., Moriwake, A., 1994. Oocyte growth in the striped mullet Mugil cephalus L. maturing at different salinities. J. World Aquacult. Soc. 25, 109-115....
Aim of this study was detemfination of sperms' ATP content of golden grey mullet in different time, temperature and extenders. Caspian Sea Mugilidea is one of the most important fish of the sea fishery which nowadays is the predominant catches fish of the mentioned sea. The ATP content of...
Aim of this study was determination of sperms' ATP content of golden grey mullet in different time, temperature and extenders. Caspian Sea Mugilidea is one of the most important fish of the sea fishery which nowadays is the predominant catches fish of the mentioned sea. The ATP content of ...