To answer this question, you’d first need to figure out what motivates people to do anything, not just playing games. This topic has been broadly discussed over the years by countless psychologists and motivational speakers and it essentially boils down to the following needs: Intrinsic– this ...
first three motivational facets, namely thoseof integrativeness, instrumentality and attitudes towards L2 speakers.3.4.1. IntegrativenessWith particular reference to the items that fall under integrativeness, it becomesapparent that the respondents were quite neutrally disposed towards all thelanguages incor...
Given recent work suggesting that DA release may be regulated locally within the NAc22, we sought to further probe if the encoding of reward state by extracellular NAc DA is also reflected in the activity of the mesoaccumbal DA cells projecting to the NAc. Thus, we injected a retrograde herp...
So if I were to give a sort of motivational talk to new entrants to the field of global order and governance, this is what I would tell the students: there are more themes and more topics to explore, more opportunities, and more possibilities for building new theories and concepts. It is...
Future studies should therefore differentiate the motivational structures of bicycle users and walkers. When considering the intention to use the different AV types against the background of underlying attitudes (RQ1), an interesting contrast emerges for the averaged sample: the higher the degree of ...
The inclusion criteria for the participants are: (1) students must be native Chinese speakers; and (2) students must not have physical disabilities (e.g., visual impairments) that could diminish their AR-based learning experience. Employing a simple random selection method, we selected two classe...
Keynote speakers are not generally categorized by type, but do tend to fall into one of several major categories. The choice of speaker depends on the objective one is trying to achieve with the presentation. Some common keynote speaker types include: motivational, expert, and humorous. Though...
In the iVR tutorial, such an extracurricular learning place was simulated in the context of the safety training at the SBB, which is why high reliability can be assumed. The questionnaire did not consider virtual agents, which can bring motivational effects. 2.5. Virtual Agents Virtual agents ...
One of the limitations of this study was that it was restricted to Spanish speakers. The external validity of the study is perhaps limited for this reason. Statistical sampling was also not carried out, and the sample was chosen by convenience. However, all analyses were conducted with a sampl...