1977. Needs for the future: Radically different types of mathematical models. Pages 225–240 in D.L. Solomon and C. Walter, eds. Mathematical models in biological discoveries. Lect. Notes Biomath. 13.Williams, M. B.: 1977, ‘Needs for the future; radically different types of mathematical ...
To create math speech for all math models, the MathML and the speech generated therefrom need to be rich enough semantically to describe the union of all arguments of all math objects (fractions, subscripts, integrals, math functions, etc.) of the various math models. The pos...
Summary: Rogers semilattices of computable numberings for the families in the hierarchy of Ershov are compared with those for the families in the arithmetical hierarchy. S Badaev - Theory & Applications of Models of Computation, Third International Conference, Tamc, Beijing, China, May 被引量: 1...
The conducted analysis shows that the energy density is consistently positive for wormhole models in both gravity theories, while the radial pressure is positive for \(\texttt{F}(\texttt{Q, T})\) gravity and negative in \(\texttt{F}(\texttt{R, T})\) gravity. Furthermore, the tangential...
The roles of sphingolipids in polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) are still unknown. This study aimed to investigate the sphingolipid characteristics for different types of PCOS using liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS). A total of 107 women with PCOS and 37 healthy women as normal contro...
8 AI and machine learning trends to watch in 2025 That's the case with many AI andmachine learningmodels. Stemming from statistical math, these models can consider huge chunks of data and produce a seemingly intelligent output. This kind of AI is known as reactional or reactive AI, and it...
Interneurons play crucial roles in neocortex associated with high-level cognitive functions; however, the specific division of labor is still under investigation. Interneurons are exceptionally diverse in their morphological appearance and functional properties. In this study, we modify a prefrontal multicol...
We established two finite element models of HSOO with advancement (T1) and set-back (T2) movements of the mandible. Six different configurations of fixation of the ramus, progressively loaded by a constant force, were assessed for each model. The von Mises stress distribution in fixations and ...
Spatial modelling of gully erosion in the Ardib River Watershed using three statistical-based techniques. Catena 190, 104545 [5] Arabameri, A., Pradhan, B., Rezaei, K., 2019. Spatial prediction of gully erosion using ALOS PALSAR data and ensemble bivariate and data mining models. Geosci J...
In most of the world, conditions conducive to wildfires are becoming more prevalent. Net carbon emissions from wildfires contribute to a positive climate feedback that needs to be monitored, quantified, and predicted. Here we use a causal inference appro