the various ministries involved - the Ministry of War acted on the side of the Cossacks under its control, while the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of the Interior and the Governor’s Office of Ekaterinoslav also tended to represent the interests of non-Cossack residents (Lishin 1894, p....
We have different gifts according to the grace given us. If one’s gift is prophecy, let him use it in proportion to his faith;Berean Literal BibleAnd we are having different gifts according to the grace having been given to us: if prophecy, according to the proportion of the faith;...
These ministries need presentation tools that allow for high levels of customization, and support multiple outputs in multiple formats. A common scenario for many larger houses of worship could be something like: A main presentation feed for the auditorium or sanctuary. Image magnification (IMAG) of...
Choir directors and those who serve similar functions certainly participate in the ministries of their congregation. They may or may not have a degree in music, although most do. Other church musicians, such as pianists and organists, also consider their contribution to their congregations to be ...