Read article about Read Information on Facts about Weaving Loom Types, Different Types of Looms, Hand Looms, Ground Looms, Back strap Looms, Frame Looms, Rigid heddle Looms, Foot-treadle Floor Looms, Haute Lisse and Basse Lisse Looms and Shuttle Looms. T
Needle used for weaving looms in order to remove the different filament or similar to that of the bootSCHNEK HEINRICH
a本文采用的织机及其织造方法为三向织造提供了新的思路,目前这种织造方法还不成熟,需要对织机的各个机构进行改进,使其不仅适合不同原料纱线的织造,而且能大规模织造出成型良好的三向织物 This article uses the loom and wove the method is three to weaves has provided the new mentality, at present this kind...
The device attached to the weaving looms, for the production of fabrics with a density of the frame that is different, in a ratioREIFENBERG HANS
In a test weaving run on a test loom, a first set of article-specific adjustment data is determined for the optimal adjustment of loom components for weaving a particular woven article. First and second sets of machine-specific data characterizing various machine parameters of the test loom and...
Method for weaving carpets or the like in boucle - type with the same or different knobs height on looms without rodsSCHWENKGLENKS,TOBIAS
A device for the insertion of the different frames in the weaving looms passetrame without canDEWAS RAYMONDDEWAS RAYMOND
In order to bring the launch device and a shuttle single at two different levels in the weaving looms manufacturer two superposed pieces of fabricOLIVIER LEON
A weft measuring device for looms in which the weft is inserted by a jet of air or water produced by a nozzle 19, comprises a rotating drum 1 having a smooth portion 1a round which the weft thread is guided by eyelets 13, 17, and a helical groove 4 into which the thread is guided...