The nonlinear characteristics of BC-PCFs with the circular lattice (CL), square lattice (SL), and hexagonal lattice (HL) are analyzed numerically to select the optimal PCF. The three optimized structures: #CBF1, #SBF2, and #HBF3 are intended for supercontinuum generation (SCG) in an all-...
Persistent spectral hole-burning in electronic tranisitions of different types of lattice defectsWith a ring dye laser persistent spectral hole-burning was measured by fluorescence excitation spectroscopy in the zero-phonon lines of the 2llg 2llu transition in KI:S2 and of the 3H4 3P0 transition...
Many other truss types are used – Allan, Bailey, Baltimore, Bollman, Bowstring, Brown, Howe, Lattice, Lenticular, Pennsylvania, Pratt, and others. Truss bridges were introduced very long ago, immediately becoming one of the most popular bridge types thanks to their incredible resilience and ...
The different types of tart shells include standard size, miniature, frozen, fresh, pre-baked, flaky and puff pastry. There are also crumb crust shells and those with lattice shell tops as well as single or double versions. Sometimes, a metal pastry ring of dough is placed on top of a ...
LatticeWorks This is a MATLAB toolbox for creating and customizing lattice structures, multi-morphology lattices, and lattices in different coordinates and arrangements. Getting started Installation To install this toolbox, simply run install_me.m found in the main project folder. Alternatively one can...
High-resolution (HR) high-angle annular dark-field (HAADF) scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) has revealed the atomic lattice defects in different types of η precipitates in the Al-Zn-Mg-Cu aluminium alloy subjected to creep-age forming treatment (with a constant stress lower than...
Fluorescent analogues of taxol have been shown to create and/or bind preferentially to lattice defects28. Defects have their own, local dynamics, allowing new tubulin to be incorporated in a repair process28. Humans have 9 α and 10 β tubulin isotypes29,30. It is unclear why humans need ...
Thefret sawtakes its name from the French word for lattice, “freter.” As a variation on the bow saw designed for cutting tight curves, a fret saw is appropriate for very intricate work. Their fragile blades are equipped with up to 32 teeth per inch, making them more accurate and more...
Despite quite differentlattice types, both compounds present very similar magnetic properties: astable trivalent Yb$^{3+}$, no evidence for a sizeable Kondo interaction, andvery weak exchange interactions with a strength below 1K as deduced fromspecific heat $C(T)$. Broad anomalies in $C(T)$...
X-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns of three representative raw nanomaterials. Full size image Finally, the Williamson–Hall method was applied for the crystallite size (L002, nm) along the (002) direction and the lattice strain (ε) estimation, as has been successfully utilized for carbon material...