This review aims to summarize the different species that have been studied as possible new sources of wood for oenology, defining the extractable composition of each one and their use in wine. Keywords: traditional oaks; different oaks; other woods; ellagitannins; low molecular phenols; volatile ...
The database is said to be public as “USC drone detection and tracking dataset”, but without a link. The dataset is also mentioned in [18], but the link in that paper is not working. Compared to [17], the present paper uses three different drone types instead of one. We also ...
Introduction During the last decades, throughout the world, the expansion of urban land surpassed the growth of urban populations [1–3]. The intense migratory flow of population to urban areas has led to an unplanned growth of cities, which usually expand their geographic boundaries to ...
In addition, some researches have revealed that different types of waste and recycling rate have different effects on GHG emissions. However, few researchers integrated the impact of different waste separation methods and recycling rate on GHG emissions into comprehensive waste disposal strategies. In ...
Thus, the manuscript main objective is to emphasise the advantages of these systems as they constitute the ideal solution from both the economic and environmental parameters analysed. Keywords: geothermal energy; district heating systems; renewable energy; economic and environmental comparison 1. ...