judges, who are located in three different duty stations in different time zones, meet at least twice a year in order to address [...] daccess-ods.un.org 由于系统采取分散式,位于不同时区的 三个 不 同工 作 地 点的 法官每年需至少 举行 2 次会议,以处理判例、做法指示、程序规则、作法...
Themost handsome GSDs are produced by the West German Show Line. These dogs do have a pronounced angulation of the back, along with larger heads that show judges often deem attractive. Their luxurious Black and Red coats are usually denser than their working cousins. They can also be found w...
Our interest is in those subjective reports of well-being of an individual’s conditions that have no direct objective counterparts. The subjective part of well-being considers individuals as “the best judges of their own conditions” (Stiglitz et al.,2009). It is common to separate SWB into...
The commonality of facial expressions of emotion has been studied in different species since Darwin, with most of the research focusing on closely related primate species. However, it is unclear to what extent there exists common facial expression in species more phylogenetically distant, but sharing ...
Real switchers:In this case, a person tries a product and judges it on the spot. Non-customers are converted to buyers in this way. The “blind taste test” is an execution. Another approach is featuring customers who explain why they shifted from one brand to another. ...
average 33 (± 23 SD) case references.Contributorcontains the names of the judges involved in a decision. The number of judges involved in a decision amounts 5 (± 2 SD) which is caused by the different compositions of the senates.Courtis mentioned in the decision text to indicate the ...
More advanced transformation methods deploy judges to rate the verbal labels of the response options on a common numerical scale. In one variation judges are asked to rate the degree of appreciation denoted by the labels of verbal response options on a common numerical scale. The average rating ...
Figure 1. (A) bottled hornet larvae sold in China; (B) hebo (Vespula sp.) contest in which judges evaluate wasp nests by weight in search for the largest nest of domestically raised wasps. [Photo credit: Soleil Ho; source: https://www.splendidtable.org/story/the-japanese-tradition-of-...