Lanczos filtering is the best method of interpolation as compared to other used methods, due to significantly increased visibility of the edges of the segmented structures. As a result of applying this method, partial volume effect artifact was minimized. The distributions and statistical parameters ...
We compared the image quality of the SRCNN and conventional image interpolation methods, nearest neighbor, bilinear and bicubic interpolations. For quantitative evaluation, we measured two image quality metrics, peak signal-to-noise ratio (... MA Styner,ED Angelini,K Umehara,... - Society of Pho...
Functions used for flat-top filtering/interpolation of images. blit.c / blit.h Image blitting with no scaling, flat-top filtering or bilinear interpolation and rotation. drawline.c / drawline.h Draw Gaussian-antialiased thin lines and Gaussian dots. Also contains a generic Bresenham line drawin...
Arun, P.V 2013 A comparative analysis of different DEM interpolation methods. The Egyptian Journal of Remote Sensing and Space Science, 16(2): p. 133-139.Arun, P.V., 2013. A comparative analysis of different DEM interpolation methods. The Egyptian Journal of Remote Sensing and Space Science...
Keywords:spatialdifferencedegree;interpolationmethods;soilpropertiesmapping;influencefactors 河南农业科学,2013,42(11):76‐80 JournalofHenanAgriculturalSciences 科学的土壤资源利用和管理是建立在对区域土 壤属性空间变异性正确理解基础上的,土壤属性的 空间分布图是其空间变异性最直观的表达形式 [1] ...
The difference in contaminated area estimation among the four methods reached 6.14%. According to the interpolation results, the spatial uncertainty of polluted areas was mainly located in three types of region: (a) the local maxima concentration region surrounded by low concentration (clean) sites,...
Interpolating missing data: when there was a gap in the pupil diameter data where the eye tracker had not recorded the eyes, a linear interpolation was used to connect the last sample before the break and the first sample after the break. Most of the interpolated gaps were shorter than 500...
Broad scale assessments of impacts associated with sea level rise have mainly been undertaken using ocean water level data from tide gauges located in harbours and ports assuming that these can be applied directly in mapping inundation throughout estuari
[34] at a sample rate of 128 Hz. ECG recording was performed via electrodes applied to the chest at a sample rate of 128 Hz. Tachogram was extracted using the Python library NeuroKit2 and it was visually inspected for missing beats [35]. Interpolation was used to correct eventual ectopic...
To evaluate the influence of dual-energy CT (DECT) and Virtual monochromatic spectral (VMS) imaging on: (1) the artefact size of geometrically identical orthopaedic implants consisting of three different compositions and (2) the image quality of the surrounding bone, three similar phantoms—each fe...