Cystitis is more common in older women in the presence of atrophic urethritis. Decreased estrogen levels may also lead to a decrease in clitoral size, stress incontinence, and a graying and thinning of pubic hair. Estrogen replacement therapy pre- vents or reduces many of these problems. ...
If you're looking to connect with a specialist physician for a certain health issue, these 26 healthcare providers are the most common in the system.
[Research Paper or Poster Presentation] BACKGROUND: Bowel elimination problems in old age are not only annoying distress, but also decrease their quality of life. However, most studies focus on constipation of the elderly and disregard of other bowel elimination problems ex: diarrhea, incontinence,...
4 Do urethral pressure profilometry variables differ among female patient groups with different types of urinary incontinence?Purpose To determine whether the forecasted assessment of how someone would feel in a future health state can be predictive of utilities (e.g. as elicited by the time-trade-...
Although the prognosis of localised prostate cancer is good, the negative effects of prostate cancer treatment often impair patient quality of life. A growing number of men experience these negative effects over a longer time because of the increased inc
Several studies have reported that brachytherapy causes fewer long-term side effects, especially sexual dysfunction and urinary incontinence (Frank et al, 2007; Aaltomaa et al, 2009; Pardo et al, 2010). Surprisingly, patients receiving androgen deprivation therapy reported that their sex life was ...
Overactive bladder (OAB) is characterized by symptoms of urinary urgency, with or without urgency urinary incontinence, usually with frequency and/or nocturia, in the absence of a proven infection or other pathology [1]. The symptoms can be considerable and can significantly limit the quality of...
RC may become clinically evident by overt blood admixtures to the stool, pencil-stools, incontinence and pain while sitting. Complete Colonoscopy with tumor biopsies, abdominal ultrasound or abdominal CT-scan, X-ray or computed tomography of the lungs, and serum-CEA determination are necessary for ...