ORIGINAL RESEARCH—INTERSEX AND GENDER IDENTITY DISORDERS: Gender Assignment and Medical History of Individuals with Different Forms of Intersexuality: Eva... ORIGINAL RESEARCH—INTERSEX AND GENDER IDENTITY DISORDERS: Gender Assignment and Medical History of Individuals with Different Forms of Intersexuality...
Personality Disorders and Psychological Disorders: In spite of personality disorders and psychological disorders are phenomena that are characterized by altered and intense states of consciousness; there are key differences between both types of disorders that must be taken into account even if they are...
ORIGINAL RESEARCH—INTERSEX AND GENDER IDENTITY DISORDERS: Gender Assignment and Medical History of Individuals with Different Forms of Intersexuality: Evaluation of Medical Records and the Patients’ Perspective[J] . LisaBrinkmann,KarstenSchuetzmann,HerthaRichter‐Appelt.The Journal of Sexual Medicine . ...
Thompson VLS, Noel JG, Campbell J: Stigmatization, discrimination, and mental health: the impact of multiple identity status. Am J Orthopsychiatry. 2004, 74 (4): 529-544. Article PubMed Google Scholar Conner KO, Rosen D: “You’re nothing but a junkie”: Multiple experiences of stigma in...
What is the scientific definition of biological evolution? Are there brain structures that could affect someone's gender identity? Would the chromosomes always match up? The DNA of one species differs from others in its what? Which of the following options is correct? Males are more often affect...
Communication plays an integral role in human social dynamics and is impaired in several neurodevelopmental disorders. Mice are used to study the neurobiology of social behavior; however, the extent to which mouse vocalizations influence social dynamics has remained elusive because it is difficult to ...
Availability of Data and Material Due to the nature of this research, participants of this study did not agree for their data to be shared publicly, so data are not available.Code Availability N/A. Notes In this paper, we primarily use identity-first language, in keeping with suggested ...
mice (mice with ≥2 samples, 255 samples from 82 individuals), we found microbiota composition to be highly individualized, with individual identity explaining 52% variation in community composition (marginal permutational multivariate analysis of variance on Jaccard index,R2 = 0.52,F = 2.38...
(Arbuthnott & Sutter,2019). It could be that observing nature facilitates awareness of one’s identity, and may build, challenge or shift one’s perception of oneself (Arbuthnott & Sutter,2019). This was highlighted by one participant in Ratcliffe et al., (2021, p.10): “being close ...
In what ways does "split personality" in the context of schizophrenia differ from "split personality" in the context of dissociative identity disorder? How do you treat bipolar disorder? Which of the following disorders has the highest ...