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The number of hallucinogenic compounds that have been separated simultaneously by liquid chromatography is limited. This research aimed to identify a column(s) that can allow for separation of several hallucinogens. The extent of separation of seven polar hallucinogenic tryptamine andphenethylamine derived...
Examined are the impacts of several drug types, such as opioids, stimulants, depressants, and hallucinogens, emphasizing the long-term consequences on brain function and susceptibility to addiction. In order to create individualized interventions that target the environmental and neurological components of...
The hallucinogenic activity is ascribed to stimulation of central 5HT2A receptors [183,184], and in the neuron-centric view on depression, 5HT2A receptor stimulation is considered the likely mechanism for the improvement of mood [173,185]. Notably, serotonergic hallucinogens are potent activators ...