Hypoallergenic Cats Common Cat Breeds Popular Cat Breeds Short Hair Cat Breeds Long Hair Cat Breeds Hairless Cat Breeds Rare Cat Breeds Small Cat Breeds Large Cat Breeds Wild Cat Breeds Pedigree or Not? Types of Cats A New Companion Choosing a Cat ...
hairless catsWhen people think hairless cat, the first cat that comes to mind is the Canadian Sphynx. There are in fact a number of 'nude' cats which have originated in different parts of the world. Breeders have also developed these cats using other breeds with distinguishing or unusual ...
The Donskoy is an elegant, active, social and people-orientated cat. This hairless cat gets along well with other pets and should never be without a companion - be it human or another pet. The Donskoy comes in 4 different coats types in a variety of colors. A dominant hair loss gene ca...
It dates back to 2005 and is among the few hairless domestic felines. Cats from the Bambino breed look like Sphynxes in terms of skin color, ears, and facial features. However, they have inherited the Munchkin’s short legs. They are amicable and love to snuggle. Due to their lack of...
Permeation rate curve of OCT obtained in diffusion experiments over 28 hours with barrier disrupted cattle skin (mean and standard deviation); no OCT was detected after 28 hours in histologically intact skin of cats, dogs, cattle and horses; (n = 6). Full size image Table 1 Amount of OCT...