During the three different types of exercises, the root mean square (RMS) values of the sternocleidomastoid (SCM), suprahyoid (anterior belly of the digastric and mylohyoid muscles), and infrahyoid (sternothyroid and thyrohyoid muscles) muscles were analyzed using surface EMG. Differences in the...
Zero grazing is the least preferred grazing technique by pastoralists and agropastoralists in Miombo Woodlands.Livestock keepers in Miombo woodlands are neutral in the preference of continuous grazing technique.Un-patterned rotational grazing is the most preferred grazing technique in Miombo woodlands.The ...
No user is in the group “All Users (windows)” even if a several users from a federated domain? Why? All my users (Cloud and Federated) are in the group “All Users (membership)”… What is the correct description of these groups? What types of user should we find in each of thes...
Hi, Hoping someone can help here. I have multiple data starting with "BMO" in column AQ but one unique corresponding value (Incident#) in column A. How do I create a list of items from column AQ wi... MansoorSadat (sample attached) #1Format your data range as Table #2Cl...
The sender domains are stored in different parts of Entities although they are from the same sender. Is there a way to merge these into one variable instead of having them separated like this. stianhoydal mv_expand will help SecurityAlert|where Description contains"Emails with maliciou...
This work addresses the need of the biological research community for rigorously quantitative and generally applicable computational tools to compare the complex behaviors of individual members of groups of molecules, cells or even organisms. Presently, the vast majority of such comparisons are performed ...
The TP53 gene, encoding the p53 tumor suppressor protein, is frequently mutated in many types of human cancer1,2. The most common type of TP53 mutations are missense mutations, leading to a single amino acid substitution in an otherwise intact p53 protein. In addition, TP53 nonsense and frames...
TY - JOURAU - Livio ZefiroTI - Collection of the couples of archetypal compound forms which are different in the 2 3 5 and m 3 5 icosahedral point groupsJO - Visual MathematicsPY - 2009PB - Mathematical Institute SASAIS - 44SP - 0EP - 0LA - engUR - http://eudml.org/doc/260547...
Human papilllomaviruses (HPVs) are common human pathogens that infect cutaneous or mucosal epithelia in which they may cause benign and cancer diseases. The development of cervical neoplasia is linked to the infection with at least one of 13 high-risk HPV types (HPV16, 18, 31, 33, 35, 39...
(2018). Moreover, considering the degeneration of medial temporal lobe in AD, the aforementioned changes might have an AD diagnostic and prognostic value for both MCI groups.doi:10.1002/alz.040944Miguel ngel Rivas FernándezAldrey-Vázquez J.M....