Both of reptife them lay eggs. Snakes are reptiles, and frogs and toads are amphibians. Amphibians live on land and in the water.Fish live in the water. They lay eggs. They amphibian use gills to take in oxygen from the water.Sharks, bass, and catfish are all fish.Which animals give...
Snakes are repiles andfrogs and toads are amphibians. Amphibian live on land and in the water.Fish iv in the wate. They lay eggs They use gil to take in oxygen from thewater Sharks,bass and catish are alfish.Which is NOT true?1 There arefive types of animal.2 Mammas are animalslike...
Toads are a certain type of frog that has leathery skin and large bumps around their parotoid glands. You can tellfrogs and toadsapart from their legs and the appearance of their skin. Frogs have smooth skin which is covered in mucus and long legs. Toads have tougher, thicker skin than ...
Toads are a certain type of frog that has leathery skin and large bumps around their parotoid glands. You can tellfrogs and toadsapart from their legs and the appearance of their skin. Frogs have smooth skin which is covered in mucus and long legs. Toads have tougher, thicker skin than ...
A study of structural changes in the pituitary glands of five species of female frogs and toads during different seasons of the year has been made. In all the forms, two kinds of basophils can be made out tinctorially, with the PAS-methyl blueorange G reaction, as reported by Wilsor and...
Different Types of Amphibians There are three types of amphibians – anura, apoda, and urodela. Anura: Also called Salientia, this group primarily includes toads and frogs, making them one of the most significant orders of the class. Apoda: As the least familiar of orders, this group of am...
72017-07 4 Frogs and toads what's the different 222017-07 5 A car in the sky 182017-07 6 The lifecycle of a butterfly 772017-07 7 Spiders and insects beware 4722017-07 8 The worlds smallest bird 182017-07 9 Squirrels 182017-07 查看更多 ...
Amphibians are vertebrates that spend part of their lives on land and another part of their lives in the water. Amphibians are classified as frogs, toads, and salamanders though there are a few other species of amphibians that do not fit these categories. ...
Redescription of Opalina triangulata (Heterokonta, Opalinea) from Fejervarya limnocharis based on morphological and molecular data Opalinids are a large group of anaerobic protists, mainly inhabiting the cloacae of amphibians (frogs and toads). The classification of this group has not ... RQ Wan...
How are fish, amphibians and reptiles similar? Are snakes mammals or amphibians? Are snails reptiles or amphibians? How do different amphibians breathe? Are horned frogs amphibians? Are turtles amphibians or mammals? How are amphibians different from all other classes of vertebrates? Are box turtles...