(transduced with lentiviral construct for SpCas9 and kindly provided by Quinlan Sievers [Ebert Lab, BWH/DFCI]) which were transduced with pooled lentiviral particles for genome-scale sgRNA libraries, specifically GeCKOv2 for the long-term dBET6 screen; and Brunello, for other genome-wide CRIPSR ...
of two triples was presented horizontally aligned in the mInidedalcehotfritahleosfctrheeenC.oPmaprtaicripsoannttsascklass,saifipeadirtohfettwwootrtripiplelesswaassidpernestiecnatleodrhdoirffiezroennttablly palriegsnseindgina trhigehmt oidrdlelfetorefstphoensscerekeeny., Preasrptieccitpivaenltys. ...