It is also one of the types of electro braking system. In this type, the pedal is used for braking the vehicle. When the pedal is pressed, the speed of the electric vehicle is reduced by changing the polarity and direction of the motor. The direction of the motor gets reversed and intu...
This study proposes a practical comparative analysis of several brake systems, both constructively and in terms of performance. The study proposes to analyze dynamic braking behavior by measuring decelerations for different types of trucks under certain established conditions and routes. It also analyzes...
Two types of gasoline hybrid cars are parallel hybrid and hybrid series. A combustion engine and an electrical engine operate together in a parallel hybrid vehicle to drive the car forward. In contrast, in a hybrid series, the petrol engine either drives an electric motor that powers the vehicl...
In process control, there are two types of sensors as mentioned below:Active and Passive SensorsPassive sensor requires an external source of power to work. For e.g. a thermistor, Light resistor, strain gauge, etc. While an active sensor doesn’t require any external source of power. For e...
Different cars come with different types of suspension systems. Check out our guide to know in-depth about suspension systems and find out the best one for your car today.
Metro systems are one of the most popular modes of public transport in urban areas. However, the large number of airborne particles on platforms in underground metro systems and the negative effect such particles have on human beings has attracted much attention (Braniš, 2006, Brook et al.,...
There are many different types of indoor pest repellents on the market, and it’s not easy to decide which one is right for your needs. Today, we will explain four factors you should consider when choosing an indoor pest repellent. Good Safety, Even Around Pets and Children Since you’re...
Many collisions between pedestrians and cars are caused by poor visibility, such as occlusion by a parked vehicle. Augmented reality (AR) could help to pre
There are several kinds of tyres for vehicles, and they usually depend on what you’re going to use your vehicle for. The vehicle’s use determines the tread pattern on the tyre – the tread is primarily designed to expel water from under the tyre, to im
Varying the speed of propeller rotation to make a drone move in any direction, all while maintaining stable flight and altitude, requires advanced control systems. This is mostly invisible to the drone pilot, as all they have to do is to move their analog sticks. ...