Different tests were performed, starting from vulcameter test over characterization of mechanical properties to viscoelastic properties. It was found that the type of antioxidant influences the material behaviour. But, a uniform grading of the antioxidants is not possible....
Overall, previous studies have shown nuts to have different types of antioxidants. For instance, almonds are known to contain flavonoids such as catechins, flavonols, and flavonones in their aglycone and glycoside form (Sang et al., 2002), while peanuts and pistachios contain flavonoids and have...
antioxidants.(4)The antioxidant systems are different among the five habitats.The membrane lipid peroxidation of T.mongolica in group A plots is relatively low,so the activities of enzymatic antioxidants and contents of non-enzymatic antioxidants are relatively low.The drought stress to T.mongolica ...
thanthecrumb.Lastly,theantioxidantcapacityvalueswerecomparedwiththoseofalmond,redpepperands~awberry,threefoods containingpowerfulnaturalantioxidants. Keywords:Bread,flour,antioxidantcapacity,superoxidedismutasebiosensor 1.Introduction Inthelastyearsmanystudiesllaveallowedto correlatetheroleofthereactiveoxygenspecies(ROS) ...
Glycine seems to help slow the effects of aging byimproving the body’s useof antioxidants and is also used in the process of constructing healthy cells from DNA and RNA. In addition, it’s been found that arginineboosts the body’s abilityto make proteins, which is important for repairing...
containingpowerfulnaturalantioxidants. Keywords:Bread,flour,antioxidantcapacity,superoxidedismutasebiosensor 1.Introduction Inthelastyearsmanystudiesllaveallowedto correlatetheroleofthereactiveoxygenspecies(ROS) totheagingandtodegenerativechronicdiseasessuch as
Life in oxygen has led to the evolution of biochemical adaptations that exploit the reactivity of Active Oxygen Species (AOS). Antioxidant enzymes are an important protective mechanism ROS. This paper highlight the functions of antioxidants in the blood and selected organs associated with health....
Scarlet- These large leaves are a shocking deep purple color and grow almost three feet in height. The leaves become even more vibrant as the frosts start coming. Because of its color, this variety has more antioxidants than other kales. ...
Chinese kale (Brassica oleracea var. alboglabra) has high nutritional value. This study investigated the contents of glucosinolates, antioxidants (chlorophylls, carotenoids, vitamin C, and total phenolics), and antioxidant capacity in five organs from si
While watercress has a spicy and slightly bitter flavor, arugula offers a more peppery and nutty taste. Watercress is known for its high nutrient content, including vitamins A, C, and K, while arugula is rich in antioxidants and vitamins. Both greens are versatile ingredients that can be used...