populations, and between seasons. The response variable was the number of days that the individual was more than 350 km away from its central place in relation to the total number of days with locations in each season (binomial error, logit link function). This 350 km cut-off point...
2012. Teachers' and Bank Workers' Responses to Zimbabwe's Crisis: uneven effects, different strategies. Journal of Contemporary African Studies 30(1): 83-97.Chagonda T, `Teachers' and bank workers' responses to Zimbabwe's crisis: uneven effects, different strategies', Journal of Contemporary ...
Fig. 11. Examples of active gullies observed in different land use and soil types. (a) Gully head and bank incised in Vertisol in cultivated land (Dibatie); (b) vegetation roots reinforcing a gully head and bank in bushland (Guder); (c) overgrazing at a gully head in grazing land (...
A singleA. phagocytophilumgenome was available at the beginning of this study (A. phagocytophilumstrain HZ GenBank: NC_007797.1). Consequently, the choice of the six new loci could not be based on either the phylogenetic information they contained or the conservation of genes amongA. phagocytophil...
First-generation technologies still account for the majority of global annual production [30]. Newer technologies still have barriers that need to be addressed and overcome (durability, price). Different environmental impact categories of the PV technology strongly vary because of the different component...