Lior, N.; Radovanovic´, M.; Filipovic´, S. Comparing sustainable development measurement based on different priorities: Sustainable development goals, economics, and human well-being-Southeast Europe case. Sustain. Sci. 2018, 13, 973-1000. [CrossRef]...
March 8, 2017, during a session titled: “Women’s Economic Empowerment and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.” Also pictured are Mr. Jordi Sole, member of the European Parliament and chair of the session and Ms Alia El-Yassir, from UN-Women...
These differences between higher- and lower-gas scenarios help illustrate the diverging storylines and economics of how the energy transition can unfold to meet climate goals. In many of the higher-gas C1 scenarios, gas use declines rapidly through 2040 (Fig.4a) but then increases rapidly again ...
The approach to innovation often reflects identity enhancement goals. An executive might champion disruptive projects not primarily for their business potential, but because they position them as a visionary leader. Evidence of success gets broadly interpreted, while failures become “learning opportunities...
Dive deeper into our different business fields to see just how closely we accompany the patient journey on our mission: caring for life. Pharma: delivering life-saving medications Unlock the power of life-saving IV drugs and infusion therapy with Fresenius Kabi. See decades of expertise in actio...
Our extensive production network and outstanding manufacturing expertise enable us to deliver high-quality products that truly make a difference. We are constantly challenging the status quo to find new ways to meet the evolving needs of our healthcare professionals. This ultimately benefits our patient...
Regardless of several initiatives and implementations related to the world-sustainability, yet the advancement to attain the sustainable development goals (SDGs) is insufficient [[5], [6], [7]]. Material production in various industries significantly increase the environmental burden, where construction...
World Health Organization (2020) World health statistics 2020: monitoring health for the SDGs, sustainable development goals. World Health Organization, Geneva. Licence: CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 IGO. Accessed Dec 2020 Wu J, Liu W, Zeb A,...
(and the associated and updated Balanced Score Card) still fall largely short of shifting companies into a new way of thinking where sustainability is core to their value proposition. Likewise, the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals. Both initiatives speak to important me...
Author of the book "Lean for Green” explains why Lean Six Sigma is making a difference in achieving sustainability goals, especially in the fashion and luxury goods sectors. Buy it now Excellence Services TheFastestand mostCost-Efficientway to workwithLean,Six SigmaandChange Management. ...