Molly and Mollie are frequent spellings of this classic name, but adding an "e" to the end of the former is a less common choice, used just five times in 1962. Perhaps these variations were inspired by Jerry Lee Lewis' popular cover of the Little Richard song "Good Golly, Miss Molly,...
The same rule goes for “e” and “a.” For example, “Ahmed” can also be spelled as “Ahmad.” Some parents might even consider using them astwin boy namesbecause they have different spellings but the same meaning. The rule can also apply to “i” and “u.” For example, “Yusi...
There were many tales about former Queen's Park and Hearts goalkeeper Jim Cruickshank, most of which were probably apocryphal. However, one of the most frequent stories shared about the goalie was habit of walking onto the field of play with a transistor radio hidden in his towel, which was ...
If ever my brother or I make the ‘different to’ error while talking to or near my dad, he corrects us straight away, and I love him for it because I love correct grammar and spelling. Prior to Dad starting his mission to filter out his children’s ‘bad’ language I dont think I...
each other. Whenever communicate, we will meet some questions that we dont’t understand. The answer—whatever yes or no, may give people some information. All the senders hope are that the receivers could understand what they say. So the first purpose is very important. What’s more ,...