WoodSTAKnowledge of thermal behavior is needed when structural applications are concerned, and quick method of identifying species of wood is desirable in order to track the materials in industrial processes and in the life service. Samples of wood from four different species of trees (Castanea ...
Research demonstrated that: 1) the species abundance of the seed banks depends on canopy cover (A, B approx. 50 species; C, D approx. 70 species); 2) the floristical similarity (Srensens index) of the seed bank and ground vegetation is higher in the undisturbed patch D (0.50) than ...
1. Seedlings of some tree species are strongly associated with decaying wood in the germination or establishment period. Despite recognition of this pattern in forests around the world, few studies have compared the ability of different species of decaying wood to support seedlings. 2. We measured...
Biochars produced from two different wood species over a microwave assisted pyrolysis process were used as novel and green-based supports for immobilizing enzyme, laccase in particular. The results obtained from FT-IR, SEM and BET measurements indicated that Maple biochar with honeycomb structure has ...
Santhakumaran LN, Alikunhi KH (1983) Natural resistance of different species of Indian timber to marine wood-borers in Bombay waters. Indian forest bulletin, no. 272 (n.s), wood preservation. Controller of Publications, Government of India, New Delhi...
Different Types of Softwood Lumber Species Pretty, pretty wood. What are Softwood Species? Softwoods come from conifer trees, or cone-bearing trees. North American softwood species have needle-shaped foliage instead of the leaves found on hardwood trees....
The conversion efficiency and the estimation of plank yield of three wood species (Danta, Alstonia and Obeche), were investigated using quantitative techniques. Ten logs of each of the three species, making a total of 30 logs were surveyed in ten sawmills in Delta State, Nigeria. Log length...
The thermal stability of wood polymer composites made with extractive-free wood from four different wood species was studied. Hot water (HW) extractives, ethanol/cyclohexane (E/C) extractives and both types of extractives were eliminated from A. cyclops, E. grandis, P. radiata and Q. alba....
No matter the species,mouse droppings tend to look the same, with rats having a larger version. Mice are very clean critters, but that doesn’t mean they can’t carry harmful diseases, such as hantavirus pulmonary syndrome. They can also carryrat fleas, which are one of the known carriers...
However, the chemical features of wood from alternative areas and species need to be analysed to fully explore this potential.doi:10.1016/j.jas.2018.09.008Traoré, MohamedKaal, JoeriMartínez Cortizas, AntonioElsevier ScienceJournal of Archaeological Science...