Luciferases from Different Species of Fireflies are Antigenically Similar, " by G. Wienhausen and M. DeLuca in Photochemistry and Photobiology, 42: 609-611, (1985).Wienhausen et al., Luciferases from different species of fireflies are antigenically similar, Photochem. Photobiol. 42:609-611 (...
Male and female fireflies or lightning bugs look almost identical, except the male has a larger glowing part (called a lantern) and the female has a smaller one. If you look very, very closely, the male has a protruding genital, like the male of many other species, and the female has ...
( -- There are more than 2,000 species of fireflies around the world, many of which are best known for their bioluminescence. Fireflies, which are not flies but beetles, produce flashes of light in order to communicate with each other and to attract mates. The color of light...
In this letter, the lifetimes of the excited-state emitter oxyluciferin are measured, and an inference is drawn on the chemiluminescence reaction in vivo . The light from the Indian species of firefly Luciola praeusta contains three color-sectors: green, yellow, and red, and hence three ...
But the 24-year-old synth-pop arti 分享14赞 星球大战吧 虚像道化师 独立星系邦联主要军队翻译:南方战士、ImperialRemnant battle droid 战斗机器人 Species: Battle droid 种族: 战斗机器人 Size: 1.91 meters tall 体型: 1.91米高 Weapon: Blaster rifle 武器: 爆能步枪 Vehicle: AAT, MTT, STAP, Trade ...
These results suggest that: (1) the Japanese public tends to perceive lampyrids with not a clear but an ambiguous taxonomic view; and (2) the attitude of the Japanese public toward lampyrids differs between those who perceive lampyrids with a clear taxonomic view (at species level) and ...